Our specialist on the topic


Thermal Bridging

Love Design Studio offers expertise in 2D and 3D thermal bridging modeling, providing a practical approach to understanding and addressing heat transfer in building structures.

What is Thermal Bridging?

Thermal bridges develop when heat-conducting materials are permitted to build a 'bridge' between the inner and exterior faces of a structure. This is most frequent where there is a gap in the insulating layer or where an element, such as a joist, penetrates the building.

Thermal bridging calculations are used to assess heat loss at building junctions, which are referred to as 'weak places' in the thermal insulation.

It’s difficult to get a new dwelling to pass Building Regulations with poor performing thermal bridges designed in.

It is critical to keep a building's psi-values as low as possible in order to achieve building regulatory compliance. There are other ways to accomplish this, but modeling your own Psi-Values gives you more flexibility and control over your calculations.

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