Latest news, stories, and events from Love Design Studio.

A Deep Dive on Net Zero Target Setting

Spotlight: Anna Prideaux

Time to Go Beyond Operational Efficiency?

Green Belt, Brown Belt, Grey Belt – Why not the Whole Rainbow?

A Net-Zero Carbon School

Designing for Health and Wellbeing

Barbican Estate Retrofit

Spotlight: Polly Turton

Overheating Adaptation Guide for Homes

Spotlight: Shreya Kapur

London’s First Net-Zero Carbon Street?

1.5ºC of Warming Reached: The Paris Agreement Revisited

Red Going Green?

LIFT: Building Circular Economy in Design

Housing Reforms: Party Manifestos Battling it out over the Housing Crisis

Clerkenwell Design Week: A Roundtable on Inclusivity in Design

Gathering Momentum: Building Urban Green Infrastructure Networks

Green Skills Careers Fair at EGA

Spotlight: Will Scott